Why us? Why donate to Kenyan Kids?


At Kenyan Kids, we pride ourself on being able to tell a donor exactly where their money is going to be spent. For us, It’s all about YOU having the choice of which project or which child you would like to see benefit from your donation.

Not only that, we educate you, as the donor, so you know exactly what your €10 might buy in Kenya.

In this way, we invite you to share our journey, taking a front seat, seeing and experiencing the impact your donation will have on a child’s life.

It’s opening a door to intimate knowledge of what’s happening on the ground - as it happens.

Any donation to Kenyan Kids, big or small, will generate immediate feedback as to how and where your money will be spent.

Find out more,

+33 (0) 63465352


Is Kenyan Kids the right charity for me?

  • Do I want to support a project or an individual?

  • What impact will my donation have?

  • How successful have Kenyan Kids been in the past?

  • How do they measure their goals?

  • How do I know where my money goes?

  • As a donor, am I choosing a project where I am ‘giving’ or ‘investing’?

  • Are my donations tax deductible?